A Wifi.Place
The Post - Coffee and Eatery

The Post - Coffee and Eatery

🇮🇩 Jakarta

About The Post - Coffee and Eatery


No information about this cafe.


No information about food for this cafe.

Coffee & Drinks

No information about coffee & drinks for this cafe.

Work and Laptop Friendly

No information about work-friendly features for this cafe.

Opening Hours

- Montag: 07:00 - 21:00 Uhr
- Dienstag: 07:00 - 21:00 Uhr
- Mittwoch: 07:00 - 21:00 Uhr
- Donnerstag: 07:00 - 21:00 Uhr
- Freitag: 07:00 - 22:00 Uhr
- Samstag: 07:00 - 22:00 Uhr
- Sonntag: 07:00 - 21:00 Uhr


Jl. Cipete Dalam No.33, Cipete Sel., Kec. Cilandak, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12410, Indonesien Directions

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WiFi Quality


Seating Comfort




Work related reviews

We have selected relevant reviews that we consider to be important information to determine if this cafe is work-friendly. Related keywords like "work" and "wifi" are highlighted to make it easier to find the information you need.

Carissa Atrianty17.02.2025

Great place with great ambience to work! Enough ports to plug your computers and phones

Savira Oktavia17.02.2025

This place is very suitable for working from cafe

Bryant R.17.02.2025

nice place to work from cafe, quite spacey and not too loud

Cut Syifa Salvira17.02.2025

Mengunjungi tempat ini di hari Jumat siang memang saat yang tepat untuk makan siang. Jika ingin pergi kesana untuk work from cafe, tempat ini kurang oke terutama dekat jam makan siang karena bising. Mendekati sore, suasana lebih sepi namun jika ingin bekerja, lebih baik di outdoor karena tidak terlalu berisik. Saat itu, stop kontak di suatu deretan kursi tidak berfungsi sehingga harus berpindah tempat jika ingin charging hp/laptop. Untuk makanan agak mahal, namun rasa oke, tidak terlalu spesial. Tempatnya sendiri bagus dan estetik, jika bukan karena bising, tempat ini bisa dibilang sangat bagus. Toilet juga nyaman dan luas, dan juga ada musholla nya.


Good ambience, enjoying my time working on my stuff here.

Nabila Nur Anggraini17.02.2025

This place is super cozy and peaceful, perfect for working or just chilling. There’s a mushola available. Highly recommend! 👍🏼


Comfy place to spend time or even work alone or with friend.

I love the food by the way.
Keep up the good work!

Kamilia Fidini17.02.2025

Good ambience, nice staff, tasty food, nice for work

irza kamil17.02.2025

Delicious foods, great place to work/study. Highly recommended

Yulfia Arnis17.02.2025

Definitely a good place for work and chill! I came twice and the food was good and worth the price. The ambience is nice to work during weekday, and it’s chill to hangout with friends and family during weekend. I love the Cakalang Fried Rice, Pandan Croissant and the Creme Brulee 🙌✨

lulu qisthina17.02.2025

tempat nyaman wifi kencang

Shally Pristine17.02.2025

Great food and ambience. Amazing consumer experience. Keep up the good work!

Athira Azalika17.02.2025

Vibesnya kaya cafe-cafe di Bali with plenty natural sunray. Tried their pepperoni pizza, the pizza dough was light and airy. Very friendly and attentive service, good wifi connection, def a proper place for WFC around Cipete area 🫶🏻

Afrilia Mega17.02.2025

The pizza was so good but the speed of wifi is to low. Recommend for the ice buttrescot

Hani Maulidya17.02.2025

Oke banget untuk WFC dengan ambience, wifi, dan colokan listrik yg aman. Kopi butterscotch dan croissant kejunya jg enak banget!

Maori Moeis17.02.2025

No wifi, no signal, unfriendly staff. Was gonna do WFC here, but cannot do any work. I asked for my drinks to be on the to-go cup, a staff rudely asked what am i doing at the cashier (“disini ngapain?”), then ignore me until i paid the bills.

Not gonna go back.

rizki kristalinaldi17.02.2025

Makanan dan minuman enak
Pelayanan ramah dan membantu
Suasana nyaman, tp musik kekencengan
Ada musala dan toilet yg bersih
wifi ngebut

Humaira Tri Acantya17.02.2025

Suasananya nyaman. Bisa dipake buat video call. wifi kencang

Citra Ramadhani17.02.2025

It is good banget over all, cuma satu yang sangat disayangkan, yaitu wifi nya so bad bgt! sebelum kesini dikasih tau sama temen kalau mengecewakan sekali wifi nya, ga percaya bgt mau coba sendiri dan ternyata emang ga se relevant sama harga dan tempat nya untuk sekelas the Post. Semoga segera diperbaiki untuk yang WFC 😭🙏🏼

Ivan Manurung17.02.2025

my second time here.. love the great ambience, chill place to meet friends for casual or work.. tho the wifi can be better

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