A Wifi.Place
Workroom Coffee & Roastery

Workroom Coffee & Roastery

🇮🇩 Jakarta

About Workroom Coffee & Roastery


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Coffee & Drinks

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Work and Laptop Friendly

No information about work-friendly features for this cafe.

Opening Hours

- Montag: 08:00 - 22:00 Uhr
- Dienstag: 08:00 - 22:00 Uhr
- Mittwoch: 08:00 - 22:00 Uhr
- Donnerstag: 08:00 - 22:00 Uhr
- Freitag: 08:00 - 22:00 Uhr
- Samstag: 08:00 - 22:00 Uhr
- Sonntag: 08:00 - 22:00 Uhr


Jl. Cikini Raya No.9, Cikini, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10330, Indonesien Directions

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WiFi Quality


Seating Comfort




Work related reviews

We have selected relevant reviews that we consider to be important information to determine if this cafe is work-friendly. Related keywords like "work" and "wifi" are highlighted to make it easier to find the information you need.

basyori saini17.02.2025

The best workroom for place, service and food. Recommended for short meetings and daily work. Thanks so much....


suasana tenang, wifi oke, cocok untuk wfc

Riky Hidayat17.02.2025

Good place for work, but somehow the wifi hotspot have a bad connection.

aditya nugraha17.02.2025

workroom, coffee shop to work. ❤️

Bayu Wicaksono17.02.2025

You get all the working from cafe experience but the wifi is really not reliable. So it's absolutely useless


Update: They fixed the wifi!

One of the best cafes to work. wifi really sucks though.

Hendy Kristanto17.02.2025

Nice place to work, the drinks and foods just so so, but it's quiet so it's perfect for work

George Arif17.02.2025

as their name, a cozy place for working in front of your laptop, either alone or with friends. they provide good table & chairs for working. the drinks are good. they provide books that can be read in the cafe. they sell curated book. they also provide co working space, ask their staff on the counter for details

Monica Marla17.02.2025

Cozy place to everyone who searching work room space. Ambiencenya nyaman, disediain roll kabel untuk charging laptop atau hp. Kopinya enak, makanannya juga enak. Baristanya ramah semua dan pelayanannya cepat.


nice quite place for work. but the wifi is terrible

Tik Bet17.02.2025

Tempatnya enak utk work from anywhere

Ihsan Panggabean17.02.2025

Very nice place for work

Ng Wilson17.02.2025

Absolutely a delight to work at this location. I worked here for about 3 hours in the morning till noon on a weekend and it gives me enough peace to work on all my emails. Will definitely come back again if I need a cafe to work from.

wifi: wifi is free for every 2.5 hrs u purchase something from their menu (they didnt actually kick me off the wifi but I just followed the sticker on the table). Speed is also quite decent.

Atmosphere: Not too big of a crowd im assuming because of the fasting period. There was a mosquito which kept biting me so that was annoying but probably not a reguarly occurence.

Food/drinks: The food/drinks wasnt that great to be honest. The coffee was too acidic and taste quite bad compared to most of the coffee outside u can get. The mie ayam was also fairly average for the price. The only redemption was the ice chocoloate which was fairly decent.

All in all, definitely an amazing working cafe and very convenient to get to. There are also some small parking areas for your bike.

Faiz Deja Ramadhan17.02.2025

So Cozy For working

Jane Gita17.02.2025

it is a lovely and warm space to go if you bring your "work" or laptop. almost all the customers bring their laptop and doing their own works, the ambience with music is something you won't forget!

Raihan Delfiro17.02.2025

a good place for work

sapto prasojo17.02.2025

Good coffee, available for meeting, working, and hangout

Haris Rizq Falih17.02.2025

Dibilang cafe ya konsepnya co-working space
Dibilang co-working space tapi ya lebih ke cafe
Agak bingung sih, maksudnya cafe sih. Tapi ada batasan jam per 2 jam harus re-order
Dibilang co-working space.. engga juga karena vibes seatnya ala cafe, colokan gaada. Untungnya laptop saya tahan baterainya. wifi juga ga kenceng-kenceng amat
Jadi bingung nih, cafe apa co-working space wkwkw
Well diluar kebingungan tadi kopinya enak sih, emang kopi ala barista jadi rasanya mantab
Dah, gitu aja

Miliarwan Doank'z17.02.2025

Tanggal 23 May 2024 sekitar pukul 14.00 WIB Sampai sekitar 19.40 WIB.

Tujuan saya ke cafe ini adalah untuk mengerjakan sesuatu dengan laptop saya, saya berharap di cafe ini punya jaringan wifi yang baik serta makanan dan minuman yang enak karena saya belum makan seharian.

Namun, selama di cafe ini, wifi yang tersedia seringkali putus nyambung. Baik yang terhubung via laptop maupun hp, sinyal nya sulit tertangkap oleh device. Kecepatannya pun bisa di bilang kurang. Akhirnya saya menggunakan hotspot saya sendiri untuk browsing dan mengerjakan sesuatu di laptop saya selama di cafe ini.

Untuk makanan, minuman dan suasana cafe ini menurut saya enak dan nyaman. Namun harganya cukup tinggi namun menurut saya tidak overprice. Service nya ok, hanya saja persiapan makanan tertentu (punya saya dan teman saya) disajikannya bisa dibilang lumayan lama (30-50 menit).

Untuk teman-teman yang mau nongkrong cocok di sini, namun di hari saya kunjungi, cafe nya di isi penuh oleh orang-orang yang sedang WFC sehingga suasananya juga lumayan hening dan sepi (meskipun orgnya ramai).

Untuk teman-teman yang ingin WFC, Selama wifi nya belum dapat digunakan secara optimal, seperti nya kurang pas, kecuali jika kuotanya tidak masalah digunakan sebagai hotspot laptop masing-masing.

Sekian review saya,.
Terima kasih

Aprilia Garin Aryanda17.02.2025

kinda dissapointed beacuse i need to charge my laptop and i can't seat in the big table because i have to bring 2 more people with me to be sit in here (min. 3 people), i never see some rules like this in the coffee shop.

Kamila Awalia17.02.2025

sesuai namanya workroom, banyak orang yg ke sini untuk buka laptop dan kerja. ada rules untuk re-order setelah 2.5jam menurut saya oke-oke aja, tp masalahnya adalah wifi speednya yaampuuuun, saya cuma mau nyusun trip aja buka Ag*da gak jalan sama sekali.

saya pesan Rum Coffee, to be honest cukup enak tp saya gak jadi kerja karena internetnya gak jalan. a bit waste of spent, ACnya jg kurang dingin menurut saya. kalau konsepnya bukan untuk kerja, mungkin wifi lambat gak masalah ya.

Riczky Alamsyah17.02.2025

Tempat nya sangat nyaman jadi bisa focus mengerjakan pekerjaan saya di tambah wifi dsni sangat cepat jadi tidak ada buffering. Untuk minuman nya sangat enak dan lengkap varian nya.
Untuk makanan juga sangat pas Snack nya buat menemani ngopi sambil kerja
Pelayanannya sangat fast respon dan mengerti keinginan customer. . .

Bloody Mary17.02.2025

wifi nya bolak balik mati 👎🏻 harga makanannya cukup mahal dan porsi sedikit, ya ekspektasinya wifi lancar kenceng ya soalnya emang ngejual work space kan eh ternyata busuk hehe tiap 5 menit trouble

Cinthya Tan17.02.2025

Place is small. Price is normal. wifi is okay. Coffee is okay. I ordered cold Cappuccino, very basic. But heard a friend said, their Ice Chocolate is yummy.

Good place to work because they even provide cable extension. There are only 4 tables to have group work (1-3 people each table). 2 out of the 4 tables are ONLY for those who come in a group of 3.

Long table on the side can be used for individual work. It can be used for 4 people (during pandemic, with seat distancing).

There are another 4 tables with sofas (for 2 people on each table)

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